How You Can Make Use of RFID wristbands for events

With the advent of digital technology, RFID products have become essential marketing trends. Obviously, this new technology offers many advantages to users but which ones? And what does the term “RFID” actually mean?

RFID: What Exactly Is It?

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a recent method which makes it possible to memorize and capture data remotely. The system consists of a radio tag (or RFID tag) and a transmitter RFID. The RFID tag has an electronic chip and an antenna which allows it to receive the radio signal emitted by the reader. For RFID wristbands for events you can have the best deals now.

Currently, we can find different media that can serve many purposes:

Cards and badges: to identify people, to pay without contact, to control access in a private place, to access transport and to retain customers        

Labels and stickers: to identify goods, to fight against counterfeits, to keep the traceability of products, to facilitate inventory and to promote products        

Bracelets: to identify people, to make a contactless payment and to promote        

Key rings: to access a building, residences, premises and parking lots        

Subcutaneous fleas: to identify animals        

It is therefore necessary to choose a medium adapted to the needs of the company and to adapt the chip to it. Indeed, the latter can be single-use or read-only or rewritable (read and write with memory). In any case, not all chips are created equal. The operating frequency and reading distance are different. Thus, to benefit from a greater reading distance, it would be necessary to turn to a higher frequency. We mainly distinguish:

  • The low frequency chip (125 KHz) with a reading distance of 0.5m and a transfer rate of 1kb / s
  • The high frequency chip (13.56 Mhz) with a reading distance of 1 m and a transfer rate of 25kb / s
  • And the very high frequency chip (863 to 915 Mhz) with a reading distance of up to 6 m and a transfer rate of 28kb / s

It is therefore advisable to study your needs beforehand so as not to make a mistake.

Which RFID Chip and Reader to Choose?

RFID chips cannot be read at the same distance and under the same conditions. In this way, you should select a product that can meet your needs. There are three versions of the RFID chip suitable for the RFID bracelet: The passive RFID chip: it is in read-only mode. The chip does not have a battery. And to read it, it would have to be moved to the reader.

The semi-passive RFID chip: it works using an energy source at regular intervals. Therefore, it does not send a signal!

And the active RFID chip: it is powered by a battery or a battery. So the card can be read remotely

The passive chip is the cheapest and suitable for short range use. The semi-passive chip is more efficient and requires a rather moderate budget. The not active chip is the most expensive. However, it allows reading even at a long distance.

As for the reader, it allows to communicate with the labels in order to read the data or even modify the content for certain chip models.