Why kids cartoons are good for development

No matter your stance on cartoons, one thing we can all agree on is that kids love them. It’s easy to understand why – they’re full of funny characters, bright colours, and amazing animation. 

Many parents think that cartoons are purely for entertainment but this isn’t the case! There are, in fact, some awesome free kids cartoons available online that are as educational as they are entertaining. 

Still not quite sold? Well, here are our top reasons why kids cartoons are good for development.  

They teach Important Life Lessons

Before cartoons and animation, the children of days gone by learnt important life lessons from fairy tales and nursery rhymes. 

Today, cartoons do the same thing! They use relatable characters and simple stories to teach kids important values including sharing, kindness, compassion, honesty, and much more. 

The bright colours help to kids engaged and ensure they’re taking everything in. What better way to educate your children than to have them laughing and learning at the same time? 

Exposure to things outside of their day-to-day

Kids love to explore, but they can only go as far as you take them. Through cartoons, they can experience different places, people, and cultures through the screen. 

This exposure can help them to learn about the world, and be more opened minded to people and ideas. It will also build their curiosity to explore the world around them. 

Exposure to Healthy Role Models

Kids need good role models. Don’t take this the wrong, but it helps to have other role models who aren’t their parents (it also takes some of the pressure off you). 

Their favourite characters will be heroes or characters who are always trying to do the right thing, or who are going on a journey to learn what that is. Your kids will follow the lead of these characters as they develop their own sense of right and wrong. 

An outlet for Laughter and Fun

Kids love to laugh and have fun, and cartoons help them to do exactly that! As much as we may wish otherwise, sometimes we have no choice but to put our kids in front of a screen. 

So if you’re going to do so, why not let them enjoy some educational and fun free kids cartoons? 

Inspire Children

Cartoons can take your children anywhere; to outer space, to the deepest depths of the ocean, and even back in time. These adventures may help your child to find a passion or interest that they can pursue when they get older! 

Final Thoughts

As you can see, cartoons can be great for children’s development! What matters isn’t whether they watch them or not, but rather that they watch kids cartoons that are educationa and fun.