The two musicians have been pictured together several times in the last few months in Barbados and the United States, giving fans ample evidence that they are dating. However, one couple has confirmed their intimate engagement for the first time. Rocky reveals the couple’s relationship in a recent GQ magazine profile. He refers to her as the “heart of my life.” “My girl,” I say.

He also tells the writer that the two took a huge bus tour from Los Angeles to New York, driving south across Texas and stopping in Memphis and a half dozen other cities along the way, where they bonded over fashion, music, and other topics. Rocky also had a handheld recording rig set up for new tunes.

The New York rapper has mentioned that he is now working with two talented collaborators on his new music: former Smiths frontman Morrissey and the one and only Rihanna. “I think it’s vital to have someone you can bounce ideas and creative juices off of,” he says of his woman. He claims she has definitely inspired his upcoming music. “It’s just a different angle of view.”

Rocky also implies that his current partnership has influenced the tone of the new material. All Smiles is a “ghetto love tale,” he claims, and it’s “way more mature” than his previous two releases. He claims that All Smiles is around 90% full.