Backyard Games: The Best Way to Keep the Whole Family Healthy and Connected

Best backyard games: Outdoor games for kids & adults | Popular Science

 While backyard games were once a summer aid for neighborhood kids and their families, smart devices, cell phones, and gaming systems provide some stiff competition for attention these days. Besides, busy schedules, planned down to the minute, rarely leave room for cheerful backyard play.

Whether it’s a random game of tag or something more strategic or team-oriented, look no further than the backyard for chances to get active, bond with your kids, and create lifelong memories. It’s time to power down the devices and get outside for playing the best backyard games.

Play for the Health of It 

It’s no secret that physical activity benefits the whole family. Running, kicking a soccer ball, playing catch, shooting hoops in the driveway — anything that makes the blood flow — works toward developing health challenges often found with children who stay stationary.

“There’s definitely a correlation with less physical activity and excess weight, which tend to cause more health problems. 

Thankfully, when parents take charge or set an expectation for a shared outdoor physical activity, kids are more apt to hop on board. When parents show their fun side through outdoor games, play, and physical activity, it’s natural for children to want to mirror those positive behaviors.  

“With the use of screens and video games, any activities we can do to get kids motivated to play best yard games and be physically active is excellent. “And kids respond great to parental involvement.”

See Mom Run

Children are natural copycats. When children see their parents being playful and showing fair play, they will ultimately repeat those actions in their independent settings. When families are together and being their best selves, they’re creating fairness; they’re showing good sportsmanship, all those positive prosocial actions.  

The truth that (interactions) are happening with the family and happening organically makes it very powerful. It’s a fabulous way to teach and demonstrate boundaries and (how to play) by the rules in a positive, safe location. Best backyard games allow for various teachable moments and opportunities for parents to set a positive example. Demonstrating healthy ways to deal with embarrassment if we make mistakes, frustration, when we miss a shot, or anger if we lose encourages resiliency and patience. 

Being able to take the child aside and show them it’s okay that they’re thinking this way, model for them how to take deep breaths or any other ways we cope with these feelings — there are numerous opportunities for connection on how to deal with more complex emotions.

Make Time for Play Time

Although organic communications are incredibly beneficial, sometimes shared family downtime doesn’t exist on its own. Many families sail through days and nights on a jam-packed schedule to attend work, school, and extracurricular activity responsibilities. Families try to be just as intended with outdoor playtime and even reserve a slot on the calendar if needed. 

While it’s difficult to add more hours to the day, take a closer look at when and how frequently the family has quality time together. The physical, mental and emotional advantages of playing outside easily beat another hour of screen time. Plus, warmer weather and fresh air help families destress, unwind, and, most of all, connect. One of the essential benefits is strengthening connections and the relationships with your kids, and this is just one other avenue to do that. 

Author’s Bio:William Lewis is a published author, passionate about helping people understand content marketing through his easily digestible materials.